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¿Qué es Codeigniter?
Codeigniter is a powerful PHP MVC framework for building dynamic and robust web applications. Known for its speed, flexibility, and lightweight footprint, it's a favorite among developers for rapid application development. With Codeigniter, developers can efficiently create feature-rich web applications—from eCommerce sites to content management systems and RESTful APIs. If you're looking to build a scalable and high-performing website or application, Codeigniter provides the perfect toolkit.
Contratar a Codeigniter Developer
Ready to bring your web project to life? The best way to find a quality Codeigniter Developer is on Freelancer. Freelancer has the widest range of expert Codeigniter Developers ready to transform your ideas into reality. With professionals available for every budget, you can hire top talent without breaking the bank. Plus, with Freelancer's Milestone Payment system, you only pay when you're 100% satisfied. Post your project today and connect with expert Codeigniter developers!
Los clientes califican nuestro Codeigniter Developers
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Cómo contratar a un excelente Codeigniter Developer freelance
CodeIgniter is a robust and versatile PHP open source program that is specially built for developers who are looking for a simple but powerful toolkit that will allow them to create full-featured web applications.
This PHP framework was originally created in 2006 by Rick Ellis and is now owned by British Columbia Institute of Technology. It was designed to be simple but at the same time capable of building full-fledged websites and applications. This made the program immensely popular amongst PHP developers. By 2008, it was considered to be one of the industry leaders, with a number of critics praising its speed and simplicity.
CodeIgniter is still known for its speed as well as other flexibilities that it offers to developers. While it is an easy framework to learn, like anything else to do with systems development, it does have a huge learning curve. However, there are a lot of advantages to using this framework so hiring an expert in CodeIgniter may just give you an advantage since it will allow you to make use of this framework without you wasting precious time trying to understand it.
Take a look at some of the reasons why CodeIgniter’s is growing in popularity and why you too may want to consider using it:
It is known to consistently outperform most of its competitors and has excellent performance.
It is very versatile with configuration options that are available if required.
It has a very small footprint and CodeIgniter 3 has a total download size of only 2MB.
It has a very lean MVC framework along with a number of third party plug-ins to improve functionality.
CodeIgniter 3 plays very well with most hosting platforms, including some of the most common ones like MySQL.
While this framework does encourage MVC, it is not forced upon the developer, making it very flexible.
If you want to benefit from the features of this open source program, finding an expert in CodeIgniter is now easier than ever. No longer do you need to worry about looking to hire someone full time or going through a number of interviews and putting out ads all over the place to find someone who is familiar with CodeIgniter just for a single project.
By using freelancer.com, you will find hundreds of people who are already listed on the site with extensive knowledge of this framework. All you need to do is choose the best person for you and you can have your work done with ease.
Hiring a freelancer is not just easy and convenient, it is also cost effective as you only need to pay them for the single project.
If you are looking for an expert in this framework, head to Freelancer.com, post an ad or simply browse through the experts in this field. When you find a CodeIgniter expert who meets your requirement or expectations for the project, you can simply hire them right away using the ‘hire me’ button on their profile page. So what are you waiting for? Post a project on Freelancer.com today.