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  • TahirZ
    Organizador del concurso
    • 8 años atrás

    the path was not very clear in the letter A - please complete the path in the letter A and make the letters closer

    • 8 años atrás
    1. tomislavludvig
      • 8 años atrás

      What do you mean letter A? The path is in the top letter Q, the blue part.

      • 8 años atrás
  • tomislavludvig
    • 8 años atrás

    Hi again, I decided to make the mark on letter Q to represent a path. Why path? Because your clients are always looking for a way out a situation they have brought themselves into. That's why they called you in the first place, to look for an exit. This is a very good symbol and it will imply that you are a problem solver and that you will provide your clients with a solution. I have decided to go with blue and gray colors to add seriousness and the feel of security, stability. Let me know what you think about this concept.

    • 8 años atrás